
Argentinosaurus dinosaurs walking in the rocky desert

The necks of long-necked dinosaurs were likely even longer than previously believed

Their necks were most likely three feet longer. Think of a ponderous long-necked dinosaur. You may have seen these herbivorous creatures portrayed in films, chewing on difficult-to-reach leaves, or you may have seen a mounted skeleton in a museum. But prepare for a reality check: according to a recent study, every sauropod neck you’ve ever …

The necks of long-necked dinosaurs were likely even longer than previously believed Read More »

A reconstruction of Igai semkhu, a 75-million-year-old titanosaur unearthed in an oasis in Egypt

Egyptian titanosaur fossils from 75 million years ago fill a “black hole” in the history of dinosaurs

Egyptian titanosaur fossils from 75 million years ago fill a “black hole” in the history of dinosaurs.A gap in our knowledge of the dinosaurs of Africa has been filled by a newly identified titanosaur species that bears the name of an ancient Egyptian deity. After being discovered in the Egyptian desert nearly 50 years ago, …

Egyptian titanosaur fossils from 75 million years ago fill a “black hole” in the history of dinosaurs Read More »

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